Jess McGovern

Land Based Educator and Seasonality Advocate

There is a notable gap in the age group of current agriculturalists and horticulturalists in Jersey, with the average age of those in the industry at 55. This is not to say there is a lack of interest amongst the younger generation to enter the industry: the hurdles historically have been the absence of educational courses on-Island to encourage those wanting to enter or continue to work in the industry. Currently, there are limited pathways available but there is hope, that with vision, priority, investment, there could be. A vision for skills development in the land-based sector is critical in order to encourage new entrants into the industry, thereby building on the knowledge base on-Island. This is fundamentally the purpose of the Rural Matters report that was concluded in July 2023. 

The 'Rural Matters' report owes its existence to many people. Among them are the Howard Davis Farm Trustees, the Royal Jersey Agriculture & Horticulture Society, Jersey Farmers’ Union, the Department of Economy (Government of Jersey), Skills Jersey and The Children, Young People, Education and Skills Department. A special message of thanks goes to the hardworking individuals that make up Jersey’s rural industry. Your feedback and vision form the backbone of this report and we thank you for all you do in particular with regard to the production and supply of food and the protection of Jersey’s natural environment. Jess McGovern, researcher and author of the report, will share the report's conclusions and future vision, at the Jersey Farming Conference.